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Fight for Peace - Evaluation
The Fight for Peace Alliance is a global community of organisations all trained in the Fight for Peace methodology and all working together to support young people to fulfil their potential.
What we did
We codesigned a Theory of Change for the Alliance which included outcomes around skills development, resource and legacy. Longer term impacts include young people are better supported and mirror the 5-pillar Fight for Peace methodology of employability, youth-leadership, education, personal development and boxing/marital arts.
We attended training to capture the experiences of Alliance members. This made our follow up interviews very rich as we were able to “pick up where we left off” and hear about the impact of the training rather than a mere description.
We conducted over 20 interviews with international Alliance members to understand how membership Alliance has impacted on their practice.
What we learned
Longer-standing Alliance members told us that due to staff turnover and general weariness, they would value refresher training. This would help keep the Alliance fresh and vibrant.
We recognised that much of the support Fight for Peace provide to Alliance members is reactive to requests and there would be a benefit for more “proactive” support packages.
We advised Fight for Peace to consider how to support Alliance members to reach out to one another directly and to develop the role of technology in sharing information across the global community of partners
“Emma and the rest of the team built positive relationships with our entire team from day one. They gathered information seamlessly and managed to understand the complexities of our programme quickly. They interviewed some of our partner organisations and worked with us in a creative and flexible way to consult with non-English speaking partners. Throughout the duration of the evaluation, they gave us regular updates and were mindful of testing and presenting their findings before finalising their deliverables.
They produced an evaluation report that we found useful and comprehensive, and that truly reflected our work. The evaluation report enabled us to celebrate our achievements, and helped us think of ways to strengthen the Fight for Peace” Alliance going forward. We were pleased to share the evaluation findings internally at Fight for Peace, and externally with our partners, funders and the wider public on our website. We are very much looking forward to continuing working with SocialQual and Cloud Chamber
Mylene Pacot, Head of Evaluation and Impact at Fight for Peace